IT Infrastructure and System Design

At XTS, we specialize in providing top-tier IT services tailored to meet the national-level geospatial needs. Our expertise spans the entire lifecycle of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), offering services such as commissioning, configuration, fine-tuning, and administration.

Enterprise GIS System Architecture

Build and Upgrade your GIS Infrastructure to Meet Evolving Needs

Managing System Architecture design and maintenance tailored to Geospatial Information Systems, we specialize in crafting solutions for multi-environment scenarios (On-Prem, Hybrid, Cloud) with Linux and Windows backbones. Our expertise includes the knowledge to economically handle the gigabytes and petabytes associated with most GIS raster datasets.

Cyber Security & Support DevSecOps

Vulnerability Assessments to Enable a Secure Environment with Operational Continuity

CI/CD with security. Traditional DevOps is commonly known in the technology and software development communities. Adding the layer of security not only improves but enhances the overall workflow of application code promotion. The use of Terraform, CDK, Jenkins and other Git tools along with the assistance of security gates hardens the process.

Services Portfolio at
Xcellent Technology Solutions

Explore more of the Service Offerings that we offer at Xcellent Technology Solutions.

  • Geospatial
    Software Engineering

    Full-Stack Geospatial Software Engineering with a specialization in Cloud Computing, CI/CD DevOps, utilizing both ESRI and Open Source tools.

  • Intelligence
    Analysis Support

    Our commitment is to support and advance the intelligence community by harnessing modern technology to effectively address contemporary intelligence challenges

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