Geospatial Software Engineering

As experts in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) sector, we use the latest Open Source and ESRI GIS tools and technologies to create custom systems integrations, applications, and managed GIS platforms to fit your organization's needs.

GIS Application Development

Leveraging the Latest Advances in GIS Technology

Specializing in Full-Stack Geospatial Software Engineering, we adeptly design, construct, and sustain numerous applications, employing a CI/CD and DevOps approach, seamlessly integrating ESRI and Open Source tools.

Data Science

Facilitating Innovation to Adress Contemporary Challenges

We excel in pioneering data lake design, utilizing advanced data science tools like Python, R, and PyTorch, alongside cutting-edge AI computer vision technology. Our mission is to seamlessly deliver pertinent information to users, transforming data utilization and decision-making processes.

Services Portfolio at
Xcellent Technology Solutions

Explore more of the Service Offerings that we offer at Xcellent Technology Solutions.

  • Intelligence
    Analysis Support

    Our commitment is to support and advance the intelligence community by harnessing modern technology to effectively address contemporary intelligence challenges

  • IT & System
    Infrastructure Design

    Specialization in crafting solutions for multi-environment scenarios (On-Prem, Hybrid, Cloud) with Linux and Windows backbones.

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